Who We Are

The Bongiovanni Agricultural Company is a family-run company, founded in 1950 by Giovanni Bongiovanni, grandfather of the current owner, Davide Mozzone.
On our farm we produce, select and transform grapes into wine.

For the last 20 years and through a rethinking of viticulture aiming to be more environmentally conscious, the wine produced from the 7 hectares of directly managed land is rigorously selected and bottled, at customers’s request.
The Vineyards
Working the old vineyards and the charm of it, further prompts us to reach the highest possibile quality we can achieve.
Ours is not a currently certified organic viticulture, but in our own way we follow the best practices that organic agriculture envisages, (to the extreme application of biodynamic concepts such as green manure) without however the restrictions that this protocol contemplates. This is in light of the fact that not all vintages are the same or equally favorable, and that our best vineyards are located in areas with very steep slopes, the so-called “heroic vineyards” for the difficulties we face in managing them.

Our vineyards are located in the heart of the Langhe, in the Barolo production area and more specifically in the municipalities of: Castiglione Falletto, Serralunga, Diano, Roddino and Monforte. These are very strong soils, capable of characterizing the wines produced on them.
The management of the vineyards is carried out mainly through manual operations, with the utmost respect for the environment and its products. From the nutrition of the vine roots to the labeling of the bottled wine, passing through the production of the sugary bunches and their consequent transformation, all phases of the process must be resolved in perfect harmony
Our love for the land, our commitment and passion, inspire us to pursue ways that we consider best and yet always improvable, with the ultimate goal of satisfying the customer
Family and Cellar
All the vineyards are directly managed and under the control of our family, and produce grapes which are entirely vinified within our premises in their designated areas, in compliance with the strict production regulations that we follow scrupulously.
To guarantee the quality of our system, a third party (Valoritalia) certifies the compliance with the rules.

Quality is our main goal, and we want to reach it with ecological, ethical, clear and sincere principles, all to see a bottle of Cascina Bongiovanni generating happiness and satisfaction once opened.
Nothing would sadden us more, than to note the clients regret if they tried the fruit of our work and were not fully and rightly satisfied with it.
We would like to achieve this by reaffirming a concept of quality in its absolute value, not forgetting the relationship with its price.